TMJ is a temporomandibular joint in your jaw, which is responsible for opening and closing your mouth. It is also the term used within the same joint to describe a condition. When you start experiencing issues with your jaw, you must seek treatment for TMJ immediately before more severe symptoms arise.
There are many ways people can develop TMJ. Some of the most common include:
Improper dental surgery
Autoimmune diseases
Physical injury in the jaw
Constant clenching or grinding of teeth
TMJ has more influence on some occupations than others. For example, violinists typically experience a higher TMJ rate than the rest of the population because they have to constantly hold the violin directly below their jaws, which creates pressure. Therefore, women appear to be at higher risk than men of developing TMJ.
TMJ is not a life-threatening illness, but it can influence the overall quality of life dramatically negatively. The most obvious symptom is pain around the jaw, which can manifest as migraines, earaches, backaches, and neck aches.
Another common symptom is the peculiar noises that are produced while talking, eating or opening your mouth. Normally, the noise sounds like scratching, clicking or even popping. When you encounter any of these symptoms persistently, you need to see our dentist for treatment immediately.
Dr. Jig Patel has multiple treatment options available to cure you of TMJ. These include palliative therapy, exercise rehabilitation, occlusal modification, and occlusal therapy. Even if you only believe that you have a jaw condition, one way or the other, you can get a firm answer by calling our Schaumburg, IL office to schedule an appointment
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